Celebrating Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month has been a tradition since 2010, and it helped spread knowledge and awareness about patients living with limb loss, as well as educating the population about preventive measures to avoid losing a limb.
Unfortunately, this year we are now dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak, and therefore, many of the events may get canceled.
Nevertheless, April is still Limb Loss Awareness Month, which is an opportunity to reach more people in their homes and educate them about the causes and consequences of limb loss. So post your stories on social media, and share your experiences with the world.
Why is Limb Loss Awareness Month Important?
Limb Loss Awareness Month is important for so many reasons, but perhaps the most important aspect is to gather the voice of individuals who went through limb loss and speak out about the partial healthcare cost.
Losing a limb is expensive!
Typically, amputees spend $100,000 more money on healthcare compared to people without limb loss in their lifetime. Add to that the fact that amputees often find it challenging to work in certain careers, and you got yourself a recipe for loads of debt and risk of bankruptcy.

Another important aspect of Limb Loss Awareness Month is to celebrate the diversity of individuals with limb loss and share stories about the struggles, opportunities, and challenges they dealt with.
Overall, people from all backgrounds can share their experiences and unite their voices for one cause.
Takeaway Message
Limb Loss Awareness Month is a fantastic opportunity for amputees to gather once a year and share their stories with the world. It is also the perfect platform to educate the public about what it’s like to lose a limb. Share your story to help inspire others to #riseagain!

If you have questions about Limb Loss Awareness Month, feel free to ask in the comment section below.