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Fatigue After COVID-19


COVID fatigue is a new term, but it has many meanings considering the situation around us. Quarantine, lockdown, social distancing are negatively affecting human health in a million little ways. The article will dive deep into the previous pandemics and explore how COVID-19 can cause medical effects on humans.

Medical Effects of Pandemics on Society

Deaths are the common medical effect of pandemics, but what about the hidden effects on humans? COVID-19 is not the first-ever pandemic to hit the world. Previously, the Spanish Flu, The Black Death, Hong Kong Flu have been witnessed.

Living with a pandemic is not easy; it poses negative effects both physically and mentally. Pandemics can shape society and change the way they function.

For instance, the plague epidemic in Cape Town in 1901 resulted in an aggressive racial segregated quarantine. What happened after the pandemic ended? It leads the way for the development of segregated communities and towns in South Africa.

What is happening with the COVID-19? People are calling it the ‘Chinese Virus,’ which shows segregation is already in place.

Coming to fatigue, pandemics are times of crisis. During crises, people are obliged to follow the rules and regulations laid out for them. Hence, the quarantine and social distancing to protect themselves.

Black Death

Black Death was a bubonic plague that killed about 20 million people in Europe. The deadly sight of the disease was enough to cause fear in society. The disease was not easy to handle as it has severe sideeffects, with boils on the body oozing with puss and blood. The pandemic contaminated the air and animals as well. As a result of this pandemic, people started to take it as punishment from God, which changed howthey think and behave.

Plague of London

After the Black Death, the Great Plague of London took place, killing about 70,000 people and spreading quickly. The plague was not easy to deal with, just like the Black Death, which mentally affected people. The disease was transmitted through rats; still, its spread was quick. The plague was not controlled until the Great Fire of London in 1966. The plague was fatal, leading people to fly away from London, causing a drastic shift in their lives. In short, a pandemic can pose a significant threat to human health triggered by fear and anxiety due to the restlessness of the situation.

The Spanish Flu

Coming to the Spanish Flu, another deadly virus, primarily compared to the coronavirus, the Spanish Flu was more deadly. About 50 million people around the world lost their lives due to the pandemic. One thing to note here is that the pandemic mostly affected people who were healthy, creating a sense of fear among young adults. What happened next was people started to take good care of their hygiene, used disinfectants, went into isolation, and whatnot. The virus killed people within a few hours of developing the symptoms.


The Ebola outbreak is still hard to control. There is no vaccine, and people live in fear that they might catch the virus from somewhere. The fatality rate of Ebola is extremely high, causing death in just a few days. Control measures can be taken, but they are not enough to fight the virus. The virus spreads by coming in contact with the Ebola dead bodies, sick people, and bodily secretions. Such circumstances take away the chance from people to take care of their loved ones in their sickness.


COVID-19 or coronavirus is the new enemy of the world. The virus has killed thousands of people around the world. Good news is we have a vaccine for this deadly virus. People are in quarantine, unable to attend to their loved ones, go out, meet friends, and other things. Not only does it cause physical stress, but it leads to mental stress as well. Living in isolation can pose severe negative impacts on humans.

Counter Actions to Promoting Life during Pandemic

Actions need to be taken to promote life on the earth during a pandemic. COVID fatigue is causing a lack of alertness, laziness among people, especially teens and adolescents.

Now, what can be done to cater to it?

Some scientific counteractions can promote social interaction, interpersonal skills, and citizenship during a pandemic.

For instance, people can contact one another while practicing social distancing – thanks to virtual gatherings. Apart from it, you can take the time at home to work on yourself or on things you always wanted to. Utilize this time to teach your children new things and engage them in activities that improve their cognitive and social skills.

At the time of crises, everybody needs to play their part in helping others. During coronavirus and other pandemics, one common thing was the presence of fear. Whenever you go out for groceries or anything, you fear that you might get the virus.

At such times, citizens can play their part by using social media in the right way. Help others pay their bills or get the groceries and take care of your neighbor if they are older adults who are more vulnerable to the virus.

In the end, keeping virtual connections with your friends and family to never miss out on any details. This is the right time to get your mobile phones to the best use. Get yourself out without actually going out and meeting people. Try new activities and learn new things to make this time as productive as you can.


COVID fatigue is a dangerous thing to practice at this time. Maybe not today, but one-day things will be better, and everybody will have to resume their life. If you practice being lazy, then it will be hard for people to live their normal life. If you are struggling with COVID fatigue, then know that it is normal. People in all pandemics faced it; however, dealing with it differently is your call. You can take full advantage of this time by becoming more productive than usual.


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